• mn

Trade Reports



( -95.46 -0.2% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 48193.61 -95.46
MSE A Index 18523.56 0
MSE B Index 15299.43 0



2024-09-19 16:49:47

Total trade: MNT 7,817,934,058 (USD 2,311,938.03)  


2024-09-19 16:33:41

By resolution No. 41 of the Board of Directors of the MSE dated September 13, 2024, “Gerelt Assemour Capital UTsK" LLC was excluded from the membership list of the MSE.


2024-09-18 17:39:21

The bank announced it will repurchase 2,300,000 shares at 760 MNT each, worth 1,748,000,000 MNT, from total issued shares.

General Information of listed companies

Company name Symbol Type File Date
501 Standart Noos ALI Financial report 2024-02-16
502 Undurkhaan ONH Financial report 2024-02-16
503 HBOil HBO Financial report 2024-02-15
504 Itools ITLS Financial report 2024-02-15
505 Materialimpex MIE Financial report 2024-02-15
506 Khorin Khoyordugaar Baaz AHH Financial report 2024-02-15
507 Ulsyn ikh delguur UID Financial report 2024-02-15
508 Golomt Bank GLMT Financial report View 2024-02-14
509 Devshil Mandal DMA Financial report 2024-02-14
510 Mongol diesel MDZ Financial report 2024-02-14
511 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board's meeting decision View 2024-02-14
512 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board's meeting decision View 2024-02-14
513 State Bank SBM Financial report View 2024-02-09
514 Monlogistics Holding JSC MLG Financial report 2024-02-09
515 TDB TDB Financial report View 2024-02-09
516 Tumen shuvuut TUM Financial report 2024-02-09
517 Mongol daatgal MDIC Financial report View 2024-02-09
518 Mandal Insurance MNDL Financial report 2024-02-09
519 GDACS SOH Financial report 2024-02-09
520 Innovation Investment QPAY Financial report 2024-02-09
521 Juulchin duty free SUL Financial report 2024-02-09
522 Gutal GTL Financial report 2024-02-09
523 Aduunchuluun ADL Financial report 2024-02-13
524 Suu SUU Financial report View 2024-02-09
525 Gobi GOV Financial report View 2024-02-08
526 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2024-02-08
527 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2024-02-08
528 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2024-02-08
529 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2024-02-08
530 Gobi GOV Directors of company 2024-02-08
531 Moninjbar MIB Financial report 2024-02-07
532 Khot development SDT Financial report 2024-02-08
533 Mongol savkhi UYN Financial report 2024-02-07
534 Xac Bank XAC Meeting decision View 2024-02-08
535 Xac Bank XAC Board's meeting decision View 2024-02-06
536 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Influential shareholders 2024-02-05
537 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Influential shareholders 2024-02-05
538 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Influential shareholders 2024-02-05
539 Sendly NBFI JSC SEND Board members 2024-02-09
540 Gobi GOV Board's meeting decision View 2024-01-29
541 Uvs Khuns HUN Financial report 2024-01-29
542 Khan bank JSC KHAN Financial report View 2024-01-30
543 Omni Asset ABS OABS Financial report 2024-01-26
544 Tandem invest VIK Financial report 2024-01-22
545 Mongol savkhi UYN Financial report 2024-01-22
546 Golomt Bank GLMT Board's meeting decision View 2024-01-22
547 Mandal Future Growth MFG Financial report 2024-01-22
548 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2024-01-19
549 Xac Bank XAC Operational report View 2024-01-19
550 Numur Credit Asset ABS NUMR Financial report 2024-05-13
551 Omni active ABS MONI Financial report 2024-01-15
552 Bers-2 ABS BERC Financial report 2024-01-15
553 Bers ABS BERS Financial report 2024-01-15
554 LendMN Active ABS LABS Financial report 2024-01-15
555 BIchil 2 ABS BGFI Financial report 2024-01-16
556 Bichil Globus ABS BGF Financial report 2024-01-15
557 Xac Bank XAC Financial report View 2024-02-08
558 Bogd Bank BOGD Financial report View 2024-01-11
559 Khan bank JSC KHAN Board's meeting decision View 2024-01-11
560 Khan bank JSC KHAN Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-12-18
561 Xac Bank XAC Meeting agenda 2023-12-15
562 Xac Bank XAC Board's meeting decision View 2023-12-15
563 Khan bank JSC KHAN Board's meeting decision View 2023-12-04
564 Xac Bank XAC Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-12-01
565 Xac Bank XAC Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-12-01
566 Xac Bank XAC Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-12-01
567 Bluesky Securities BSKY Directors of company 2023-11-28
568 Gobi GOV Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-11-29
569 Erdene Resource Development Corporation ERDN Financial report 2023-11-20
570 Takhi Ko TAH Meeting agenda 2023-11-15
571 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board's meeting decision View 2023-11-10
572 Tavilga TVL Financial report 2023-11-09
573 Xac Bank XAC Board's meeting decision View 2023-11-07
574 Mongolian Stock Exchange MSE Financial report 2023-11-04
575 Khan bank JSC KHAN Board's meeting decision View 2023-10-31
576 Takhi Ko TAH Financial report 2023-10-27
577 Darkhan Selengiin tsakhilgaan tugeekh suljee DSS Financial report 2023-10-27
578 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board members 2023-10-27
579 Premium Nexus JSC CUMN Board members 2023-10-27
580 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-10-27
581 Bodi Insurance BODI Financial report 2023-10-26
582 Xac Bank XAC Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-10-24
583 Gazar Shime Uildver JSC GAZR Financial report 2023-10-23
584 Xac Bank XAC Operational report View 2023-10-23
585 Xac Bank XAC Financial report 2023-10-20
586 Gobi GOV Financial report 2023-10-19
587 Baganuur BAN Financial report 2024-04-04
588 LendMN Active ABS LABS Financial report 2023-10-11
589 Simple asset ABS SMPL Financial report 2023-10-11
590 Omni active ABS MONI Financial report 2023-10-11
591 Bichil Globus ABS BGF Financial report 2023-10-11
592 BIchil 2 ABS BGFI Financial report 2023-10-11
593 Bers-2 ABS BERC Financial report 2023-10-11
594 Bers ABS BERS Financial report 2023-10-11
595 Numur Credit Asset ABS NUMR Financial report 2023-10-11
596 Bogd Bank BOGD Financial report 2023-10-11
597 Khan bank JSC KHAN Conflict-of-interest and major transaction View 2023-10-02
598 Kharkhorin HHN Financial report 2023-09-28
599 Khan bank JSC KHAN Board members 2023-09-27
600 Ulsyn ikh delguur UID Directors of company 2023-09-19