• mn

Trade Reports



( -24.85 -0.05% )
Index Unit Change
Top 20 Index 48168.76 -24.85
MSE A Index 18527.33 3.77
MSE B Index 15260.19 -39.24



2024-09-19 16:49:47

Total trade: MNT 7,817,934,058 (USD 2,311,938.03)  


2024-09-19 16:33:41

By resolution No. 41 of the Board of Directors of the MSE dated September 13, 2024, “Gerelt Assemour Capital UTsK" LLC was excluded from the membership list of the MSE.


2024-09-18 17:39:21

The bank announced it will repurchase 2,300,000 shares at 760 MNT each, worth 1,748,000,000 MNT, from total issued shares.

General Information of listed companies

Company name Symbol Type File Date
701 Bers ABS BERS Financial report 2023-07-24
702 Omni active ABS MONI Financial report 2023-07-24
703 LendMN Active ABS LABS Financial report 2023-07-24
704 Golomt Bank GLMT Operational report View 2023-07-24
705 Erchim Bayan-Ulgii BOE Financial report 2023-07-24
706 Xac Bank XAC Operational report View 2023-07-21
707 Juulchin duty free SUL Financial report 2023-07-21
708 TDB TDB Financial report 2023-07-21
709 Itools ITLS Financial report 2023-07-21
710 TDB TDB Operational report View 2023-07-21
711 Moninjbar MIB Financial report 2023-08-21
712 Khan bank JSC KHAN Financial report 2023-07-21
713 Khan bank JSC KHAN Operational report View 2023-07-21
714 Euroasia Capital Holding JSC SUN Financial report 2023-07-20
715 Mongolian Mortgage Corporation MIK Financial report 2023-07-20
716 Bluesky Securities BSKY Financial report 2023-07-20
717 Mongol daatgal MDIC Financial report 2023-07-20
718 Xac Bank XAC Influential shareholders 2023-07-20
719 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-07-20
720 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-07-20
721 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-07-20
722 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-07-20
723 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-07-20
724 Xac Bank XAC Directors of company 2023-07-20
725 Gobi GOV Financial report 2023-07-20
726 Hermes centre HRM Financial report 2023-07-20
727 Frontier Land Group MDR Financial report 2023-07-20
728 Xac Bank XAC Financial report 2023-07-20
729 State Bank SBM Financial report 2023-07-19
730 Golomt Bank GLMT Financial report 2023-07-19
731 Ulaanbaatar BUK JSC BUK Financial report 2023-07-19
732 Mon Beef MBF Financial report 2023-07-19
733 Shinest NRS Financial report 2023-07-19
734 Khot development SDT Financial report 2023-07-19
735 Tandem invest VIK Financial report 2023-07-20
736 Khot development SDT Operational report View 2023-07-18
737 Bogd Bank BOGD Financial report 2023-07-17
738 Talkh-Chikher TCK Operational report View 2023-07-17
739 Tandem invest VIK Financial report 2023-07-06
740 Mongol shiltgeen MSH Financial report View 2023-07-06
741 Mongolian post MNP Operational report View 2023-07-06
742 Euroasia Capital Holding JSC SUN Financial report 2023-07-05
743 Ard financial group AARD Influential shareholders 2023-07-04
744 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Operational report View 2023-07-03
745 Bluesky Securities BSKY Influential shareholders 2023-07-03
746 Monos khuns MFC Operational report View 2023-06-30
747 Gobi GOV Operational report 2023-06-30
748 Arig gal EER Financial report 2024-02-23
749 Mongolian Stock Exchange MSE Operational report View 2023-06-29
750 Uvs Chatsargana CHR Financial report 2023-06-29
751 Uvs Chatsargana CHR Financial report 2023-06-29
752 Tumen shuvuut TUM Operational report View 2023-06-28
753 Mandalgobi impex MNG Financial report View 2023-06-28
754 LendMN LEND Directors of company 2023-06-27
755 LendMN LEND Directors of company 2023-06-27
756 LendMN LEND Directors of company 2023-06-27
757 LendMN LEND Directors of company 2023-06-27
758 LendMN LEND Directors of company 2023-06-27
759 LendMN LEND Board members 2023-06-27
760 LendMN LEND Board members 2023-06-27
761 LendMN LEND Board members 2023-06-27
762 LendMN LEND Board members 2023-06-27
763 LendMN LEND Board members 2023-06-27
764 LendMN LEND Board members 2023-06-27
765 Khan bank JSC KHAN Financial report View 2023-06-30
766 Khan bank JSC KHAN Meeting decision View 2023-06-26
767 Mongolian Mortgage Corporation MIK Operational report View 2023-06-23
768 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-22
769 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-22
770 B D Sec BDS Operational report View 2023-06-28
771 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
772 Bogd Bank BOGD Influential shareholders 2023-06-21
773 Bogd Bank BOGD Influential shareholders 2023-06-21
774 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
775 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
776 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
777 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
778 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
779 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
780 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
781 Bogd Bank BOGD Directors of company 2023-06-21
782 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-20
783 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-20
784 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-20
785 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-20
786 Bogd Bank BOGD Board members 2023-06-20
787 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Influential shareholders 2023-06-19
788 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Directors of company 2023-06-19
789 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Directors of company 2023-06-19
790 Darkhan Nekhii NEH Directors of company 2023-06-16
791 Darkhan Nekhii NEH Directors of company 2023-06-16
792 Darkhan Nekhii NEH Directors of company 2023-06-16
793 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
794 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
795 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
796 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
797 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
798 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
799 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15
800 Invescore NBFI JSC INV Board members 2023-06-15